Coop restaurants $near you$

Hungry and looking for something to eat nearby? Want to find a restaurant without spending ages searching? Use the handy restaurant finder search function to find the nearest Coop restaurant to you. Simply enter a town or city, and the address and distance from you will be shown. The Coop restaurant opening times show you when the location is open. Click on the ‘Menu plan’ in the list of results to see the current menu.

Current menu: $what's available this week$?

Value menu



alla Carbonara


$Extended$ lunch options

In some of our Coop restaurants, we go one step further and offer you an expanded selection of dishes. From wok dishes and a salad and side buffet to traditional pizzas and pasta dishes - depending on the location, we expand our range to include these delicious additional options. Discover the variety of our additional offerings at selected restaurants.

Kids’ menu

Little prices for little foodies

At Coop restaurants, your kids can eat their favourite meal and get a great JaMaDu gift.


Discover all the benefits


$Highest$ standard, $highest$ quality

Fair, fresh, premium quality, from Switzerland and sustainable. This is the ethos behind what we cook, because we care about healthy nutrition and making sparing use of resources.